You might not see it now but it will become visible as you venture deeper into life..

You might not see it now but it will become visible as you venture deeper into life..

Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Jackfruit Tree

I looked out at the tree, somewhat feeling disgusted.  
"Why did abang plant you in the first place?Why did he allow you to grow gigantically next to the fence? Look at your leaves, they are not just at your feet but everywhere in the compound!" 
I mumbled under a deep breath. I just could not suppress this anger anymore, not just towards the tree but abang as well.

“Abang..” so the conversation started. “Why don't we just cut down the nangka tree? I cannot stand the leaves and the smell anymore lah abang. I've grown tired of collecting the dead leaves..” My husband chuckled and sheepishly replied, “Take it as a good exercise for you...and by the way, nobody asks you to, so, why not let the leaves be.” Then as usual, he buried his nose into browsing the internet.

Thanks. Thanks a lot!!

Everyday, I would look at the tree with brilliant ideas of how to get rid of it. You ..nangka tree.. will be demolished sooner or later!

But surprisingly, this tree bore fruits all year-round and I must admit that they were wonderful and sweet fruits. Although my heart was full of hatred and resentment towards the tree, I could not bear to see these fruits wasted on the ground. So, there I was offering them to my neighbours, friends, passers-by and those who asked. Sometimes, when the same people came and asked for the fruits again, I would jokingly say, “No, no worries. Take as many as you wish. You can even cut down the tree and bring it home!” Then, we would laugh at this silly idea. Little did they know that I meant my every single word !

Now and then, abang would ask, “So, how many nangka did you give away many new friends did you make?” And I would remain the same. Indifferent. Why bother? My ultimate mission was to get rid of that tree. Giving away the fruits was just the beginning.

So, there I was being self-righteous and selfish in my own way until I met this one family. Encik Hussin, a man who took up a part-time job to do lawn mowing came to my house one day requesting for some nangka. Gladly I told him to come later in the evening. That evening he came on his bike, followed by a car. I was introduced to the family as his relatives from Kuala Pahang.

“Wahh..they came in a car. That means more fruits will be taken away this time and you nangka tree will take some time to bear new ones. I will have some peace of mind as I will not see your fruits rotting on the ground for a few weeks then.”

While waiting for Encik Hussin to pluck the fruits, I had a short conversation with the family. They told me that these fruits were for a kenduri kahwin in their village. They were so grateful and repeatedly thanked me before leaving with the car bonnet full of nangka fruits!

Abang came back from work as they were leaving. I happily explained to him that those fruits were meant for a kenduri. “In a way, the pahala would also be extended to us !” I told him."Isn't this great abang. We are doing huge good deeds by just giving away some of these fruits.” I stopped short the moment these words were spilled out. Then, the whole meaning of the existence of The Jackfruit Tree struck down on me. It was actually there to extend friendships and good deeds.

Abang winked at me and cheekily asked, “ So, when exactly do you want me to cut this tree down?”.

 (p.s. Written on 22/3/2011)
Inspired by my true undying 'resentment' towards the jackfruit tree planted by beloved hubby! Ha ! Ha!