You might not see it now but it will become visible as you venture deeper into life..

You might not see it now but it will become visible as you venture deeper into life..

Monday, April 16, 2012


The sweetest thing happened today. This could be one of those rare experiences that you would never forget. I just got back from work. Well, knowing me, I just could not stand an eyesore porch. Thus, I began sweeping here and there.. Little did I notice the small commotion next door. The next minute when I looked up, a wet and shivering little kitten was being carried away by my son from what to me seemed like “young predators” next door. Wahhh... what do you son, the only son that I have, was putting on a heroic act by saving a cat from being continuously “water jetted” by the neighbour’s kid and his friends. My son boldly walked up to these youngsters and rescued the poor cat from the horrible scene. My, my...was I proud of him! 

However, it was a totally different story for my husband. He was not at all pleased. He passed some remarks which I believed must have hurt my son’s feelings. Why wouldn’t you when your son dried his dirty wet hands by simply wiping it over a clean white t-shirt. I would have done the same.However, the timing did not seem right. I think you can guess what happened next. My son went running into the house crying. I was a little heartbroken but I dared not say anything for fear of making the situation bitter than it already was. Save your comments for later, so I told myself.Then, I saw my neighbour’s son holding some white paper towels and he was looking at me with this guilty look on his face. Was it due to his earlier act or the scoldings my son was getting? The little kitten? Much to my dismay, it was then following me around! 

The story did not end yet. What happened next was indeed unexpected and completely provided a twisted ending to this story. I nearly flipped when the young lad told me that what I saw was actually not like what it seemed to be. In a very low, naive and full of regrets voice , he explained that he was actually trying to clean the cat which he rescued from the drain. Being naive as he was, I think he must have felt that water jetting would be the best way to do so. Oh dear! We had misinterpreted his noble act and intention! Could not blame us though for he used a water jet!! I must agree that his intention was a noble one but the action was somewhat not nobly done. 

So, what do I learn from this ? First, always show some appreciation towards whatever good deeds your kids do or should I say, tell or perhaps show them that you are proud of them even though what follows next is a great pain to your eyes and ears. Praises first, comments later! Second, never, never, I repeat NEVER judge a person without doing some forms of reasoning out. Always remember, sometimes things are not like what they seem to be. Most of the time, people take up certain actions for certain reasons. So, what more can I say, a valuable lesson is indeed learnt today!!

Written on April 13, 2012.
(p.s Later that day, my beloved hubby had a difficult time making up to my son ! Ha ha..again , no comments!)