You might not see it now but it will become visible as you venture deeper into life..

You might not see it now but it will become visible as you venture deeper into life..

Saturday, June 16, 2012


 I was with Abang and Ecah waiting for our turn to be with my late father ; who was then hospitalized after suffering a stroke;  when a voice talking over the phone in Arabic caught my ears. I turned around expecting to see an Arab man. To my surprise, the one talking was a Malay guy! “ How wonderful, “ I said to myself, “ A Malay guy speaking  fluent Arabic!  This is  awesome!” . I continued to listen  even though I could not understand a word. Later, I went home and totally forgot about “ the Malay guy who speaks fluent Arabic.”
            That night, I came back to stay with Abah since Mom needed some rests. What do you know! To my surprise, I saw the guy again. What a coincidence! His father also suffered a stroke and was placed a bed away from my father. Later, I learned that he was an Ustaz and in the midst of completing his PHD studies overseas. This time around, I was able to get to know him ; from far. He was always at his father's  side, day and night. Sometimes, when he was not nursing his father, he would recite the Holy Quran to him.  There were also times when I saw him sitting there, merely looking at his father.  Whatever his thoughts were, I was sure they were about seeing his father back on his feet again; the same prayers I had for Abah.
            Finally, came the day when his father was discharged from the hospital and that was the last we heard of him.
Abah was also discharged a few days later. Sadly,  Abah passed away peacefully two months later on 28 December 2011. It had never crossed my mind that 2011 would be the last year I got to wish abah “Happy Father’s Day”…..  May  Allah  swt  place  Abah  amongst  the  Solehin.   AMIN.