You might not see it now but it will become visible as you venture deeper into life..

You might not see it now but it will become visible as you venture deeper into life..

Thursday, August 9, 2012


Years back, when my kids were still very young, I hired an Indonesian maid who was in her mid 40s. I was lucky because she was one very hard working lady. Household chores were made easy with her around. The kids called her " Bibik " and they really enjoyed her company and it seemed like the feeling was mutual on her part. However, kids will be kids! Hmm... sometimes, they did give her severe headaches with their boisterous, monstrous and disastrous acts! On one fateful day, I received a distress call from my maid.
"Puan, Puan. Cepat balik Puan ! Tolong saya Puan ! " (Madam, please hurry home ! I really need your help!")
" Alamak ! This is SOS !! " What could the kids be up to this time !"
Abang and I rushed home immediately. Bibik was already at the door with my son clinging onto her. However, she forbade us from going into the house, " Puan, jangan masuk .. nanti Puan jatuh.." (Don't go in might slip..) I could understand her concern for me as I was on the family way but I demanded to go in. My heart nearly stopped beating the moment Abang and I walked into the house. I just could not believe what I saw. The floor of the living room was thoroughly covered with soapy water, yes soapy water ! Bubbles were floating everywhere around the house. Before our eyes were our two daughters having fun sliding in and out of the bedroom into the living hall !! Bibik was near tears as her pleas were totally ignored by these two little monsters! I was also near tears as I watched my two daughters lathering themselves up before sliding again across the room! Yes, that was exactly what they did over and over again ! By then, the house was all bubbles !! Hu Hu Hu..
Although we were so upset with our two daughters, we did not resort to any forms of punishment. We did not even shout at them, what more to spank them. Abang and I merely asked them to stop and clean themselves. The " piece of one' s mind " thing ( a long lecture ) came later that day ; after the house was back to its normal condition AND the poor parents had fully recovered from the shock !!
Some parenthood experience, eh ? Not just colorful , but shall I say full of bubbles as well ! Ha ! Ha!