You might not see it now but it will become visible as you venture deeper into life..

You might not see it now but it will become visible as you venture deeper into life..

Thursday, November 13, 2014


The woman nervously searched her purse while the girl waited patiently. Unfortunately, the only money that she had was a RM50 note. The girl however, insisted on smaller cash. She even asked the old woman to get something smaller and collect her pisang goreng later. 
    I was there all the time.. watching. My conscience told me to do something and so I did. Thus, I quickly handed some money to the girl and said, "Take this please." She hesitated at first but took it anyway. The old woman who was surprised by the act thanked me and left.. without even looking at me.. OUCH...  at least she said thank you... hahaha..
      A few days later, I was at the bank as I needed to make a payment. It was ok at first but I got stuck with the last RM10. After several attempts, the note was still rejected. I was about to give up when an old Chinese man who was at another ATM suddenly handed me his RM10 for an exchange. My my... was I surprised... one good turn indeed deserves another...OUCH..