You might not see it now but it will become visible as you venture deeper into life..

You might not see it now but it will become visible as you venture deeper into life..

Thursday, May 10, 2012


STAR SPECIAL dated April 25 was indeed special; paying tribute to the winners of PUTRA BRAND AWARDS 2012. I came across many interesting words in the pull out like strength, believe, trust, sustainability,work smart, think smart and there was also the word seize! Obviously, these are only about one thing; us. A question was also posed to these winners; If you were asked to brand one aspect of Malaysia, what would it be and how would you do it ? Interesting ! Perhaps, we can relate it to ourselves, look at it our way; maybe like this; If you were to identify yourself with one virtue, what would it be and how would you do it ? Well, if you asked me, I would say please read the following story !
What an experience ! After what happened, I drove home in silence. However, my mind was busy playing back the whole incident. How could they ? Were they not taught about social ethics ? Once, I reached home, I rushed to the phone. Since the house phone was actually under-utilised, there I was with the intention of really utilising it to let out my anger! And, I called up Abang.
I was out buying some groceries with my two daughters. Later, I waited in the car because Angah and Adik wanted to buy 'ABC'. I was watching my two daughters from far when suddenly I felt the car jolted accompanied by a loud sound, like the car was being rammed into. What do you know, the driver who parked his car next to mine simply let his car door banged into my car while opening it! I watched him for a while, hoping for some gestures of apology but the man just walked away with his baby; followed by his wife.
God! Was I mad! I got out of the car with the intention of shouting at him but I didn't. Instead, I went to look at his car registration number. Okay,.... it was TA... 77...7 and it was a black T.......Then, I looked at my car. My dear car was scarred with a five- inch wide scratch mark! Thank you so much!
All the while, Abang merely listened. Then he responded, ‘ Why didn 't you do the same to his car ? You could just open the door widely and let it hit his car just like what he did to our car.’
'Abang, I could easily do that but it would just put me in the mud just like him.'
' Then, you have made the right thing by not yelling nor getting back at him.' Why don’t you just forgive and forget.’
‘Yes Abang, my pleasure!! '
But it got me thinking. Okay.. Come to think of it, yes , I believe I had done the right thing. Getting back at the young couple would not make me feel better or become any better than them. It would just make the situation uglier and even worse, I would be in the same line, on the same level or shall I say, be on par with them . No, thank you!! So, in the end, it was back to “ just forgive and forget. ”
Well, talking about “branding” or “ identifying ” yourself, let’s just say, Forgiving Type. And how would it be done? Forgive.
End of story.

(p.s. Forgiving Reaps Contentment )