You might not see it now but it will become visible as you venture deeper into life..

You might not see it now but it will become visible as you venture deeper into life..

Friday, April 19, 2013


My son came home sulking. I looked at him and asked, " What is wrong boy? Did you get into a fight in school? " "Nope !" came the short reply."Then, why are looking like a sulking bear ?" He did not answer me this time. My maternal instinct told me to leave the matter first. "Ok, maybe you want to talk about it later. "

He finally opened up to me a few days later.

 "Mom, am I a good boy ?"

"Yes, you have always been such a good boy . "

" Then, why did my friends keep pushing me away ? The other day, my best friend left me for another friend. "

I chuckled upon hearing that !

"Mom, you laugh at could you. "

Ha ! Ha! How could I not laugh? He sounded like he was jilted.

In between laughter, I said " I'm not laughing at you la..I'm laughing near you !"


That was the conversation I had with my son a few years back. Now ? Now he is one very happy boy , leading life under MRSM roof! He's been telling me that life is fun and so enjoyable there! Why? Because he has many friends now! Not just during school hours or for just 24 hours but 24-7, round the clock! Now, when asked, " How many good friends do you have ?" The list would be  a never ending one; " Emm, there's R, A, emm N, S, ...emm.......bla bla.." Being the only boy in the family, it is understandable why he finds boarding school a haven !