You might not see it now but it will become visible as you venture deeper into life..

You might not see it now but it will become visible as you venture deeper into life..

Thursday, March 9, 2017

She came back to the class looking confused. Noticing this, I stopped talking and asked," What' s wrong  girl ?" . "Madam, I had mistakenly gone into the boys' toilet," came the faint reply and sent us off laughing. My, my..
Later that day, I wrote something for her just to help clear her "confusion" and posted it in the class WhatsApp group.

So the story goes with you telling your grandchildren about your love story...
It happened a long time ago.. When I was doing my foundation course in KMPh. One day, I asked for an excuse to go to the rest room . I only knew that I was in the wrong room when I noticed the masculine odor !! As I was about to rush myself out, I bumped into a very charming, handsome looking boy. For a few seconds, our eyes locked. To describe things better, he is now your Grandfather. It was indeed love at first sight.. and the best part is;  it happened in the BOYS' TOILET.. The end.