You might not see it now but it will become visible as you venture deeper into life..

You might not see it now but it will become visible as you venture deeper into life..

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


I was doing the dishes when Along walked into the kitchen. She placed herself at the table and looked out of the window. My maternal instinct told me that this girl was upset about something. I really wanted to ask her but decided to let her start. After a while, she broke the silence.
 'Mom, I'm confused ... in Pahang we say tulang instead of tulan right ? What about in Trengganu? Do they say tulang or tulan ? '
I turned around to look at her and answered,  
'My dear, Pahang and Trengganu people say the same, tulang. Why are you asking? '
By then, I was even more curious. 
'Well,' she started to explain, ' I had an argument with a friend this morning. She said, in Trengganu, they say tulang but in Pahang we say tulan.' 
At that point, I had no choice but to ask her to consult  Abang. 
'Ok then, ask your father, he knows better since he's from Trengganu. Go on, ask him.'
I quickly ushered her to Abang. So the poor girl went to her father and asked the same question. 
Abang just looked at her and cheekily answered, 'We Trengganu people do not say tulan or tulang. We say BONE!' 
Eeee  geramnyer...

Thursday, September 19, 2013
















Wednesday, September 4, 2013


I wrote this story some twenty years back. It was written out of pure pleasure, that 's all. I'm still keeping it all these years because it brings back a beautiful memory.  I actually sent it to a radio programme and what do you know, it was aired and all my friends got to listen to it! It made me so happy and I was really "on air" back then ! Now, let me share the story with you. Hope you'll enjoy it too! 


Jam sudah menunjukkan ke angka tujuh pagi. Aku masih belum siap-siap lagi. " Alamak! macamana ni ? Takkanlah hari pertamapun aku dah lambat!" Aku merungut seorang diri. Sebenarnya hari itu adalah hari yang penting untukku. Itulah hari aku akan bersemuka dengan guru-guru baru, kawan-kawan baru, di sekolah yang baru setelah berpindah ke Kuantan. Aku lantas bergegas ke dapur setelah selesai bersiap. Kopi yang disediakan Ibu segera kuhirup dan aku makan sekeping roti. " Ibu! Ani ke sekolah dulu!" Kataku pada Ibu sambil berlari keluar. Ibu hanya menggelengkan kepalanya melihat telatahku yang kelam kabut itu. "Ha! Nanti, baik-baik berkawan di sekolah tu !" Itulah ibu yang sangat mengambil berat tentang diriku.
Agaknya, keadaan yang kelam kabut itu membuatkan aku lupa untuk melihat ke kiri dan kanan sewaktu melintas jalan. Bunyi brek motorsikal yang kuat secara spontan membuatkan aku melompat ke tepi jalan. " Hoi Cik Adik!!" Tengok jalanlah sikit!!" Aku berpaling ke arah suara tersebut. Kelihatan seorang anak muda yang juga berpakaian sekolah seperti aku. "Tampan juga orang ni ya," aku berbisik di dalam hati. Belum pun sempat aku meminta maaf, dia berlalu dengan deruman motor yang amat kuat, meninggalkan aku dalam keadaan terpinga-pinga.
Setibanya aku di sekolah, aku mendaftar di kelas baruku. Berlainan sekali keadaan di sekolah ini daripada sekolah lamaku. Setiap kali habis satu matapelajaran, kami terpaksa berpindah kelas. Aku ke kelas yang berikutnya sambil membelek jadual, "Hmm.. Fizik lah pulak. " Aku lantas bergegas ke makmal Fizik yang terletak di hujung bangunan sekolah. Tiba sahaja di hujung bangunan tersebut, nyaris aku terpelanting kerana terlanggar seseorang! Aku terjerit dan buku-bukuku habis jatuh bertaburan. "Alamak! Jumpa lagi!" Kedengaran satu suara yang rasanya pernah aku dengar sebelum ini. Rupa-rupanya aku bertemu semula dengan anak muda yang hampir melanggar aku dengan motornya pagi itu. Tergamam aku dibuatnya. Tetapi, aku segera membongkok dan mengutip semua bukuku. Dia turut membantu sambil membaca namaku yang sah sah tertera pada setiap bukuku, " Hmm..Nisma..cantik nama. Binti apa ya ? Binti mata pejam ?," tanyanya sambil ketawa. Eee.. sakit betul hatiku dibuatnya ! "Mengada-gada pulak dia ni! " Kataku di dalam hati. Aku menjeling tajam padanya. Sambil merampas bukuku darinya, aku bersuara buat pertama kalinya, " Maaflah saudara! Saya tak sengaja!" Kemudian aku segera berlalu meninggalkan pemuda "mengada" tersebut! "Hei Cik Adik, eh, Nisma! Nanti dulu! Kedengaran dia menjerit memanggilku. Tetapi oleh kerana terlalu geram dan marah , aku terus pergi tanpa menoleh ke belakang lagi!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013



Keesokan harinya sewaktu rehat, aku duduk menyertai sekumpulan pelajar-pelajar perempuan. Sedang kami makan dan berbual, tiba-tiba salah seorang dari mereka menuding jarinya ke depan. "Tengok di sana tu. Itulah Aiman, pelajar yang terkenal dengan kenakalannya tetapi tersangatlah ramai peminatnya di sekolah ini." Katanya kepada kami. Aku memandang ke arah yang ditunjukkan. Hampir tersembur nasi yang sedang ku kunyah tatkala melihat anak muda yang sedang berdiri di situ. " Si mengada tu rupanya," bisikku di dalam hati. Kebetula pula pada waktu yang sama dia memandang ke arah kami. Apabila dia terlihatku, dia tersenyum lebar sambil mengenyit matanya padaku. Kemudian, dia membawa makanannya menghala ke meja kami. Aku jadi panik seketika. "Sebelum kau memalukan aku lagi, lebih baik aku lari!" Bisikku sendiri. Akupun segera mencapai beg serta fail dan berlari keluar dari kafeteria tersebut. Di belakangku, terdengar dia melaung kuat, "Alamak! Lari lagi!"
Hari itu entah apa malang nasibku, aku terpaksa menduduki kelas yang sama dengan Aiman untuk subjek Biologi. Sewaktu aku masuk ke kelas, dia memandangku sambil tersenyum lebar. "Apa kena pulak dengan si Aiman ni? Tersengih-sengih tak tentu pasal. Mesti ada apa-apa ni..." Bisikku dalam hati. Aku melihat sekeliling mejaku, manalah tahu kalau-kalau asa sesuatu yang diletakkannya untuk menakutkan aku. Setelah berpuas hati tiada apa-apa yang perlu aku risaukan, aku pun segera duduk. "Ehem! Ehem! Terdengar suara Aiman berdehem di tepiku. "Ada apa pulak ni ?" aku tertanya-tanya seorang diri.
Pelajaran bermula dan semua pelajar mula menumpukan perhatian. Tetapi, lain pula halnya dengan si mamat seorang ni. Aiman kuperhatikan asyik tersengih-sengih sepanjang waktu Biologi itu. Eee, naik menyampah aku menengokkannya. Tamat sahaja kelas Bio tersebut, aku segera bangun untuk ke kelas yang berikutnya. Tetapi... "Eh! Kenapa ni? Apasal kerusi ni ikut sama berdiri dengan aku!" Di belakangku terdengar suara Aiman ketawa berdekah-dekah. aku cuba untuk menanggalkan kerusi itu daripada melekat pada kainku tetapi gagal. Kelas yang berikutnya sudah mula memenuhi kelas itu. Aku menjerit dan memaksa Aiman untuk berbuat sesuatu. Sambil menekan perutnya menahan ketawa, Aiman kemudiannya menggunakan sejenis minyak yang akhirnya dapat menanggalkan kerusi itu daripada terus melekat padaku. Aku terus mencapai bukuku dan berlari keluar. Hilai ketawa pelajar lain kedengaran gamat sekali di belakangku. Disebabkan oleh rasa geram, bercampur dengan sakit hati dan marah, ditambah pula dengan rasa malu yang amat sangat, aku lantas menangis sepuas-puasnya di dalam tandas sekolah.
Dua minggu berlalu. Aku kini puas memikirkan cara untuk membalas dendam pada Aiman. " Mentang-mentanglah dia popular. Dia ingat dia boleh buat apa saja agaknya! Nantilah, penangan dariku akan tiba juga Aiman.."

Monday, September 2, 2013



Hari itu tibalah peluang yang aku nanti-nantikan. "Ha Aiman! Aku akan sorok buku Bio kau hari ni, biar kau rasa "hadiah istimewa Cikgu Mat Zali !" Kataku sambiltersenyum seorang diri. Apabila Aiman masuk ke kelas, akupun mula lah tersengih-sengih padanya seperti yang pernah dilakukannya padaku dulu. Aiman memandangku dengan penuh curiga."Siaplah kau Aiman," kataku seorang diri sambil ketawa geli hati. 
"Baiklah, hantar kerja yang saya minta siapkan semalam," arah Cikgu Mat Zali. Aku memandag ke arah Aiman. Ku lihat dia begitu sibuk sekali mencari bukunya. habis digelidahnya beg hijaunya itu. "Satu lagi! Siapa belum hantar, bangun!!" Suara Cikgu Mat Zali mula meninggi. Ha" Inilah adegan yang aku nanti-nantikan !! Aiman bangun perlahan-lahan. "Kenapa awak tak hantar ? " tanya Cikgu Mat Zali. "Buku saya hilang cikgu." "Hilang ? Mana boleh ! Takkan ada kaki buku tu, atau sememangnya awak tak siapkan kerja saya ?" soal cikguku itu. Kesudahannya Aiman didenda berjalan keliling bangunan sekolah sambil menjunjung kerusi. Aiman jatuh terduduk di atas kerusinya kerana terkejut dengan hukuman tersebut! Sekarang giliran aku pula ketawa terkekeh-kekeh hingga ditegur oleh Cikgu Mat Zali. Sambil menahan ketawa kerana takut dimarahi guruku lagi, sempat aku menoleh ke arah Aiman sambil mengangkat ibu jariku padanya,"Padan muka kau Aiman!!"
Hari itu, aku tersenyum sepanjang perjalanan pulang ke rumah !

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Sometimes it came,
Groping its way through,
Finding the way back.
It was not easy to ease the pain,
The heartache nearly tore me apart.
I thanked Allah swt,
For the strength and will,
For these were the drives,
That pushed me hard,
Into serenity,
And back to sanity.


My late grandmother's house in Rembau is as interesting  as the other grandmother's house in Temerloh. However, nobody lives there anymore. Before my grandmother passed away, she moved out and since then the house was left vacant. The last time I went back to Rembau was last year. Even from far, I could see that the house was falling apart. It had become an old and dilapidated house. Obviously, it would not last long enough for the eyes of a few other generations. When I looked at the house, I could almost see myself years back as a child running in and out of the house.There were too many memories to share. Some still give me the chills! 
Let me begin by describing the house first. It was a big wooden house with three different parts. The first part was the kitchen which was attached to somewhat like a levelled family area by a few steps. Adjoining was the second part of the house.You know what, this side of the house was actually the spookiest of all. It was like a hallway, big and gloomy. I do not remember seeing any rays of sunlight penetrating through the holes in the walls or the roof. If you ask me, I would rather go out of the house through the kitchen door to get to the front part of the house than to just walk through this hallway. 
Finally, the front part where the living room was. To the best of my memory, this was the least spacious and spookiest of all. We often spent sometime there for bull sessions.You must be wondering why I was so scared of the hallway. Even thinking about it gave me goosebumps! 
I could still recall the night when my sisters and I slept there, right in the middle of it. We huddled closely together as it was so dark with no shed of lights at all. We were already fast asleep when we were awakened by small stones being thrown at us from the ceiling. I did force myself to look at the direction from where the stones came flying but could not see a thing, just stones and more stones being thrown at us! That's it! I told myself. I grabbed my blanket and together with my sisters, we ran out of the hallway screaming at the top of our voice! What an experience!
But do not get me wrong. There were many other wonderful stories about this kampung of mine. It's just that what I remember most about the house is that incident ! Maybe I will share with you more stories some other time!

Friday, August 23, 2013


It was indeed a special day and the ambience was simply blissful. After all the hard work, the students and the teachers deserved this special celebration. Angah  kept on expressing herself excitedly, to the extent that I had to remind her of social graces. She was just so happy to be there, meeting the teachers and old friends! We were at SHAKS, her former school for the 2012 prize giving day; a day when teachers and students received special recognition for their excellent academic performance and achievement. I believe that special occasions like this will serve as a stepping stone as well as a motivational drive for them to continue giving their best in the future. Congratulations and Thank you so much to all the teachers in SMK Sultanah Hajjah Kalsom from the bottom of our heart !

Monday, August 12, 2013

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Last Monday, I would say, was one of the saddest moments in my life as a mother. “When I sent my eldest daughter, Nadhrah off for her foundation course in Shah Alam,  I found myself overwhelmed by an incredible feeling of melancholy. I was sad down to my bones.”  
I took these lines (make a few changes) by Randye Hoder in Motherlode at who wrote about “Struggling to Let Go of  My  College-Student Daughter.”  
Hoder  wrote , “ Regardless of how often she comes home, or how many times a day we chat or text, Emma is now gone in a far grander sense. She is well on the road to adulthood, and from this, she will never return.I know full well, of course, that this is completely normal. And I take pride and joy in seeing Emma make her way so confidently and capably. She is, after all, doing exactly what she is supposed to do. She’s going to be just fine. I know, too, that we will always remain close.Nonetheless, Emma’s going to college has signaled the passing of something that I cherished — her childhood and my relationship to her as a child — and I can’t help being a little sad about that. ”
What Hoder wrote  matched my feelings perfectly. This is exactly what I am going through right now.  It’s quite comforting to know that I am not alone “struggling with this transition”.  
Nevertheless, I have great faith that my Nadhrah  will make it through. For Allah swt will not lay on us a burden greater than the strength we have, to bear. In Shaa Allah. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


My first meeting with these two students was more of a coincidence. The time was 5 pm. I was all ready to go home. It was just a matter of  pushing in my chair and putting everything back into places. That was when I heard voices behind me saying, “Teacher, are you going home ?” I turned around and said, “ Yes dear, it's already 6 .” Then, I noticed the worried look on their faces. I toned down and asked, gently this time, “ Yes, how can I help you ?” That was like giving them green lights! They went on and on telling me about their problems. To cut it short, I said yes, I would help them and the next hour was spent on  providing solutions to their problems. Since that day, we became close “friends” as they would often come for consultation. 

Well, like in any other colleges, other than teaching, the lecturers are also involved in the activities organized by the college. Therefore, you should always prepare yourself for  unexpected tasks! “Lucky me”, I was appointed as the coordinator of the Musical Sketch Competition and in charged  of preparing the students to represent the college at the Division Level! To make it worse, it was the first time the Division  held such a competition! Mummy Help! At this age, creativity seemed like an obsolete word! I desperately needed help! So, I asked for the help from another three colleagues; Ize, Nana and Ling Ling. Together we stayed with the students and  made improvisations where necessary.

Now, let’s talk about the actors. My  my, guess who was in the list. One of them was the Indian student,  who was seeking for help the other day! Talking about what goes around comes around!It was me who needed help this time ! With him were 4 other students who really added  colours to the whole scene! These students were no ‘ordinary’ people on stage. They did not only have the right attitude  but each possessed the traits of a good actor. They were very determined and talented, had lots of patience and loved challenges as well ! In other words, they could be described as true professional pretenders in their own way ! 

The competition was held from 1 March to 3 March at Glory Beach resort in Port Dickson, Negri Sembilan. On the day of the competition, only one word could describe these students, Nervous ! Actually to tell you the truth I was nervous too ! These were the last few words said to them before they went into the auditorium, quoting Nana, “ Ok, this is d Day. This is the time to show them what you got. So, don’t try your best BUT Do Your Best !

Later that day, I was informed of the results. Alhamdulillah, we were second out of fifteen colleges ! However, I did not share the good news with the students as it was supposed to be announced officially the next day. They did ask about the results and  I had a very hard time pretending not to know. Phew ! Before going to sleep that night, I sent them the following message :

Hi there! REMEMBER 2 get a good night sleep 2night. Do not worry about 2morrow as everything happens for a reason. 2 win or 2 lose, that’s not the question. 2 me, all of you are still number one !

Seenu, you are one in a million !

Rebecca, you’re awesome !

Cynthia, you’re full of surprises !

Tung, you are electrifying And

Kai Shi, I will always REMEMBERH you !

Thank you so much 2 all of you from the bottom of my   Heart ! 
Love, Mdm Anis.

Little did they know that I was actually trying to give them hints about the placing! The next day when they were announced as the second place winners, bundles of joy were written all over their faces! Only then, the message became clear ! Gothca ! Now, who is the best pretender among them ? Ha! Ha ! Congratulations Seenu, Becca, Cynthia, Tung and Kai Shi ! It was  a great pleasure working with all of you! All of  You Are Indeed Beautiful Colours Of KMPh !